Download Planned Giving Guidebook
Develop transformational, sustainable funding for your church or ministry by allowing the Nazarene Foundation to facilitate complex gifts on your behalf.
Many types of planned gifts offer exciting possibilities for ministry but require more time and expertise than smaller organizations are equipped to handle. Through the professional staff and gift planning expertise at the Foundation, gifts of all kinds can be a blessing to your church. We provide informational materials and gift illustrations, working with you, your donor, and their financial advisors to complete gifts to your organization.
Gifts of stock or real estate: Receive a donation of real estate without the hassle of owning or selling the property. The Foundation also has a brokerage account that can receive and sell gifts of stock on your church's behalf.
Gifts that provide income: Benefit from gifts like Charitable Gift Annuitites (CGA) or trusts, which provide income to donors before being given to ministry. The Foundation is licensed to write CGAs in all 50 states.
Gifts that require investments: Establish an endowment for your ministry with the help of your congregation. The Foundation will handle the management of the investments and send you annual distributions from the fund.
Consider these facts:
96% of charitable giving is in the form of cash.
Yet over 90% of givers' assets are in non-cash form.
A typical estate plan gift is 10 to 20 times a donor's annual giving.
When asked why they do not give to their church through their estate plan, most Christians reply that they were never asked.
Through planned and deferred giving, your church can:
So how can you help encourage these gifts in your congregation? You can:
You can also read stories from churches about the impact that planned and deferred giving can have on ministry.